Tuesday, July 9, 2019

5 simple steps to a healthy lifestyle

1. Include fruits and vegetables in diet:-
                                                                         Adding fruits and green vegetables is a good step to start a healthy lifestyle. Fruits and vegetables contain the number of nutrients and antioxidants that helps to boost the immune system and fight for disease-causing toxins. Antioxidants help fight eye diseases, promote healthy skin. Eating fruit and vegetables helps to maintain the level of vitamins and nutrition level in the body. Fruits and vegetable should be a regular part of our diet.

2. Drink water:-
                               The natural drinks give the benefits of hydration, nourishment, and improved well being. So we should drink more and more water throughout the day. Water cleans the toxins from the body, improve brain functions, energize muscles, balance body temperature and control the weight gain of body. We should drink 8 glass of water in a day.

3. Manage your mental health:-
                                                          Managing mental health is also important for our body along with maintaining physical health. Remember that mental health is the foundation of body health.  it requires to maintain the physical health then it is easy to do but we ignore the mental health. To maintain the mental health take some steps as Exercise, Socialize with loved ones, Join a club, Do some creative.stats with fitbit charger2

4. Distress:-
                      Some time stops all and takes a breath and relaxation is beneficial to the body. Try some relaxing activities to help you relax. Listen to music, Do meditation, watching a comedy, or exercises are some activities can help you to feel happiness and relaxation.

5. Exercise:-

                        Exercise is a great way to stay healthy and live a long life. Studies show that physical activity helps to improve longevity and health. Track all activities by www.fitbit.com/start.Try to do exercise three day a week. For exercise, you can do the mentioned activities such as 

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